ProductLocation:Home > Products > Knives saw blades gloves inspection cleaning > Slaughter cutting knife Sharpening stick scabbard > 3008GIESSER Sticking knife 专业肉切割刀具

GIESSER Sticking knife 专业肉切割刀具

Update time:2023-02-28

Brief description:

GIESSER Sticking knife 3008. Model number: 16、18、21.


GIESSER Sticking knife 3008

  • Blade made of high quality chrome molybdenum ste-e-l
  • Polished
  • Classic shape with straight blade back
  • Strong blade
  • Ergonomic and non-slip plastic handle
  • Safety handle "Bodyguard"




Blade made from high grade chrome molybdenum ste-e-l, hardened in vacuum process to 56 - 57 Rockwell hardness grade.
Highly polished surface for highest possible rust resistance and durability of the cutting edge. Honing by hand for perfect sharpness.

Klassische Form

Starke Klinge




Sicherheitsgriff -Bodyguard-

Protective ring prevents the hand from slipping when using the knife. Average-size handle.

Messer mit Kunststoffgriff

The plastic handle is suitable for contact with food and complies with the requirements of the following legal regulations (each including all amendments and in the current version at the time of making this declaration):
Regulation (EC) No.. 1935/2004 on materials and objects (including active and inte--lligent food contact materials and objects), intended for coming into contact with food and repealing Directives 80/590/EWG and 89/109/EWG – in their currently valid version.
Regulation (EU) No.. 10/2011 dated 14.01.2011 on materials and objects made from plastic intended for coming into contact with food.

Alle Griffe ausser Holz

The knives are dishwasher proof. However, we recommend manual cleaning to protect the cutting edge.





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