ProductLocation:Home > Products > Packaging heat shrink equipment > Vacuum packaging machine > Automatic Diptank 200Henkelman Vacuum packaging machines Diptank

Henkelman Vacuum packaging machines Diptank

Update time:2020-05-05

Brief description:

Shrink technology Use an automatic Diptank 200 in combination with the Titaan 110 or Titaan 2-90 to create an automatic line and optimalise the presentation of your product.


Henkelman Vacuum packaging machines Diptank  

Automatic Diptank 200


Combined with a vacuum packaging machine, the automatic DT 200 A produces perfect skin packages for an aesthetic presentation. Ideal to create an automatic line. This machine fully complies with CE standards.



Automatic platform with conveyor belt

Digital temperature control

Pneumatic movement

Stainless steel housing

Optimal hygiene

Maximum loading capacity: 30 kg

Machine dimensions:

1700x1170x1350 mm

Chamber dimensions: 577x1098x200 mm

Emersion depth: 200mm

Dip time: 3-5 seconds

Cycle time: 22 seconds

Power: 23 kW

Voltage: 400V-3-50Hz

Compressed Air consumption 50l/min 6


Fully insulated

Vapor exhaust ø125 mm, optionally

equipped with built-in fan

Water drain 2”

Automatic water level control

Built-in lime scale protection





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